Snapshot of a WellEducator Neighborhood Gathering

Opening Readings

  • WellEducator Core Assumptions
  • Community agreements for WellEducator Neighborhood gatherings
  • 8 Dimensions of Educator Wellbeing

Facilitated Mindfulness Activity

  • Meditation
  • Relaxation
  • Gratitude

Mindful Check-In on Intentional Wellbeing Plan or Committed Action Plan

Each member

  • Shares an intention from their Intentional Wellbeing Plan or Committed Action Plan.
  • Describes what worked since the workshop or since the last WellEducator Neighborhood gathering in relation to implementing the plan or intention.
  • Describes what they might do differently in the future.

Example of a Mindful Check-In on a Wellbeing Plan:

  • Intention: Happy and at peace.
  • What worked: I set a realistic intention. I tried to do a guided meditation in my pj’s and after coffee only two times per week for five minutes rather than setting an intention of five or seven days.
  • What I would do differently: wait until my partner left for work so I wasn’t interrupted in the middle of the meditation to say goodbye, which I also value.

Skills Building

  • Facilitator presents and describes one Skills Building Activity per gathering.
  • Community participants may choose to incorporate the skill into their Intentional Wellbeing Plan or Committed Action Plan begun previously in a WellEducator workshop.

Mindful Intention-Setting

  • At the close of each gathering, each member shares the intention they will focus on until the next WellEducator Neighborhood gathering. The intention may come from their Intentional Wellbeing Plan, Committed Action Plan, or the plan they set at the beginning of the WellEducator Neighborhood gatherings.

Q & A

Do participants have to share?

No, each member of the community participates to their own comfort level; however, we do ask that, as part of the community, you say pass or that you are not sharing this gathering. We like to have all members contribute something to the group each gathering even if they did not do any action towards their intention that week/month.

Will people give participants feedback?

Unsolicited advice or feedback is not part of the WellEducator Neighborhood format.  However, time permitting, the WellEducator facilitator will ask individual participants if they are open to feedback from community members. Only with agreement from the participant will feedback be permitted. The WellEducator facilitator will prompt feedback in the following way: “Members, what did you hear that X participant did well?” No other prompts will be used. Other feedback will be allowed only if a participant specifically requests it.

Will members of the Community get a copy of the educational materials used during the WellEducator Neighborhood gatherings?

Yes. All WellEducator’s Neighborhood materials used during the gatherings will be made available to the participants prior to each gathering.

What do participants say about their experience with WellEducator Neighborhoods?

We conducted a survey of the 2020 – 2021 Neighborhood participants asking them several questions about their experience. In addition to other amazing feedback about the program, 100% of participants either strongly agreed or agreed that the program positively impacted their wellbeing. Download the survey results

More questions?  Contact us.