10, 1-hr virtual gatherings, one per month (up to 8 participants per session)

WellEducator Neighborhoods are 1-hour virtual gatherings highlighting one of the 8 dimensions of wellbeing. In each gathering, participants share personal wellbeing intentions and strengthen their resilience through accountability, support, and community building.
Purpose and Benefits
WellEducator’s innovative WellEducator Neighborhoods promote sustained behavioral change in WellEducator workshop attendees by ensuring the transfer of knowledge from the workshop training environments to real-world application, while providing extended support to educators seeking change. A Skills Building curriculum designed for WellEducator Neighborhoods offers a deeper look into and application of the eight dimensions of wellbeing that participants started to work with in the WellEducator workshops.
How It Works
Following every WellEducator workshop, voluntary, confidential, virtual communities are formed. These WellEducator Neighborhoods are comprised of no more than four to eight participants who meet through video conferencing in ten gatherings. While the schedule for each individual community follows a consistent pattern in time and day, participants can choose a community that fits their schedule. (Virtual community offerings are available even in summer months.)
After ten virtual gatherings, members of each established community may continue to meet in a self-led, virtual or on-campus WellEducator Neighborhoods, using the WellEducator Neighborhood format and teaching materials they will be provided or they may continue to meet with further facilitation by WellEducator.
Virtual Gathering Content and Format
Each of the ten 60-minute virtual WellEducator Neighborhood gatherings focuses on applying the WellEducator principles (values-based responses, resilience, flexibility, etc.) to one of the eight dimensions of Educator Wellbeing: social, occupational, emotional, spiritual, cognitive, physical, environmental, and financial. Each community gathering closely follows a WellEducator-created WellEducator Neighborhood format and is supported by corresponding WellEducator educational materials.

Neighborhood Participant Survey
We conducted a survey of the 2020 – 2021 Neighborhood participants asking them several questions about their experience. In addition to other amazing feedback about the program, 100% of participants either strongly agreed or agreed the program positively impacted their wellbeing.
Neighborhood Testimonials
“This program and my group is a bright spot in my week. I have learned a lot of skills that support my mental, emotional, and physical well-being which in turn helps me support the children and their families I work with.”
Bekah R. (2023-2024 Neighborhood Participant)
Specialist/ Teacher
“Participating in the Wellness Neighborhood has been an important self-care tool for me over the past several years. The resources Renee shares are always useful and relevant, and I appreciate that our agency allows us to carve out space for self-care by attending these gatherings. Burnout is a major challenge in the education field and Renee gives us tools to stay healthy and help address and prevent burnout.”
Ursula C. (2023-2024 Neighborhood Participant)
EI/ECSE Specialist
“I didn’t quite know what to expect but knew I wanted to prioritize my personal wellness in my new position… By setting intentions, incorporating tiny habits into my daily life… I ended up training for the Eugene half marathon and have felt healthy for the last four months. This has helped me be more effective in the work I do because I’m feeling well and taking care of myself in the process. I’m thankful for the time I spent in the Neighborhood gatherings with Renee and the encouragement and ideas/suggestions she shared with me that helped improve my wellbeing. I also enjoyed getting to know some of my coworkers better through the Neighborhood I was a part of.”
Chris B. (2023-2024 Neighborhood Participant)
EI/ECSE Specialist
“The Neighborhood gathering was the highlight to the end of the week:) I enjoyed meeting with Renee and coworkers about self-care and how others are feeling and strategies they used. I loved the guided meditation for time to get grounded and focus. So much positivity in this gathering.”
Toni J. (2023-2024 Neighborhood Participant)
Associate Teacher