What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?

“Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding behavior. ABA refers to a set of principles that focus on how behaviors change or are affected by the environment, as well as how learning takes place. The term behavior refers to skills and actions needed to talk, play, and live. While these principles impact […]

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

“Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, known as ‘ACT’ (pronounced as the word ‘act’) is a mindfulness based behavioural therapy that challenges the ground rules of most Western psychology. It utilizes an eclectic mix of metaphor, paradox, and mindfulness skills, along with a wide range of experiential exercises and values-guided behavioural interventions.” Harris, R. (2006). Embracing Your […]

What is Early Childhood Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (EC PBIS)?

Early Childhood Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (EC PBIS)/Pyramid Model “provides a framework of evidence-based practices to promote the social-emotional competence of all children, address the social-emotional and behavioral needs of children who are at-risk, and develop supports for children with persistent social, emotional or behavioral concerns.”  West Virginia Department of Education https://www.pbis.org/topics/early-childhood-pbis