WellEducator Neighborhood Testimonials

What Neighbors have to say about the program:

“It really helped me get through this school year…I totally would have drowned.”

“I have encouraged the parents I work with to take care of themselves more.”

“It was a really big helpful tool for me. Increasing my mindful awareness [and] how to apply that professionally and personally.”

“I am more aware of the stressors I and my families are facing, more inclined to recommend mental health resources available online such as insight timer, head space, or mindfulness YouTube videos.”

“I am more focused at work, I have better boundaries between home and work, and I have better sleep habits and am able to get more done because I am not as tired.”

“It was like having my own personal counseling group and it was built into my work life. I loved it.”

I learned: “That it is not unprofessional for me to take a 3-min pause…it actually makes me a better person and professional.”

“Appreciated the overall positivity of the group, the things you were teaching us about. It was a good reminder of how you have the power of your mind.”

“Being a part of this group was an incredibly important component of my emotional and mental health this year.”

“It has made me a better educator and worker during these unusual times.”

Learn more about WellEducator Neighborhoods

Dr. Renee Van Norman

About Renee

Renée uses her research and expertise in evidence-based teaching practices, her personal story, and her vision to advocate for and increase educator wellbeing by offering research-based workshops and facilitating innovative wellness communities.